Our Episodes
The revolution is within you. This revolution is humanity’s awakening to Oneness.
The giant rock podcast is a conscious podcast that just might tickle your cosmic funny bone and blow your mind and open your heart and even make you shart. Rest in the cosmic joke and let the podcast wash over you. It’s all One cosmic consciousness so host Jeff Crawford and co-host Baba Here Love are really YOU.
Jeff has the more earthy human flow while Baba has the more divine-madness far out cosmic joke flow on the podcast. This flow adapts to each guest’s vibe and the topics that come up. It provides a great balance but don’t get busy listening just be here now. Don’t get busy not listening either, just rest in the infinite being you are beyond the sense of hearing.

We are “optimistic” I guess one could say about our global predicament. Issues like income inequality, climate change, the war machine, growing population are interrelated with an awakening of consciousness (in small pockets around the globe). All of it will reach a kind of perfect storm for transformation.
We see all this as patterns of energy in nature. Capitalism is energy. The energy of the caterpillar. Right now the energy is in a beginning cocoon stage… all these pressures of a failing system and external social actions and activism and uprising and protests and political games and creative stuff and the populace being more informed (woke) and a growing movement of (meditation, psychedelic, yoga and other inner methods of awakening to the essential oneness of nature) is part of the cocoon.
It will move forward as a deterministic process of nature, as patterns of energy inevitably reaching a climax of system collapse or transitional system or revolution or whatever. We shall emerge as a butterfly.
We literally will overcome a collective ego to evolve into a new state of consciousness as a human species where we rest in awareness of the oneness.
From that moment we build from the bones of the dead old system a new cooperative system that is environmentally harmonious and provides for all. A scientific resource based economy operated collectively by a conscious population.
Baba Here Love has an intuitive validity about this. Does he know that he knows like a scientist about a physical law?
He feels the truth of it in his heart beyond the thinking process and of course the space beings told him this.
ETI (Extra Terrestrial Intelligence 👽♾♥️☮️) abduction!

“Around May 2019, I boarded a ETI spaceship without consent abducted on a tour of our galaxy. Extra Terrestrial Intelligence aka ETI are behind 🛸 UFOs. These beings are peaceful, gentle and have realized the one cosmic consciousness.
Jeff experienced multiple ESE experiences. One such experience near Joshua Tree California actually resulted in Jeff vanishing into thin air for three days. A U.S. Marine/San Bernardino Sherriff’s joint search party found him wandering in the middle of the desert unaware and unharmed.
Your host

Your co host